Be a SmartBlocker!
How To Protect Yourself, Your Business, Your Devices and Computers from the Invisible Health and Personal and Cyber Security Hazards All Around:
Anti-Virus / Virus Protection and Blocking,
Cyber Security,
EMF / WIFI Radiation Protection,
Identity Protection,
RFID Protection,
Security Systems.
Smartblocker is your resource site for protection from modern connected risks that are growing every day.
Avoid the awful feeling of credit card information grabs by RFIDreaders that can in seconds steal your info from your cards.
Protect from malware that can cripple your devices or computer or tablet.
SmartBlocker shows you how.
Using wifi in a public place? You are very vulnerable to hackers scouring your info and passwords.
Have a website hosted at a big hosting company?
Think that means you are protected from malware and virus attacks?
You aren’t.
I had a few simple sites. They got attacked with duplicating software that deposited millions of big files. I didn’t have
simplesoftware that would have stopped that dead. Instead, I had to spend hundreds of dollars to get it fixed, lost
week of downtime and so much anguish.
Prevention is so much better.
SmartBlocker and Cyber Security
Cyber crime: it is the fastest growing crime industry. Why? No guns needed and almost impossible to catch the culprits. So it’s the perfect crime biz. The target: you and your banks and where you shop.
You need to avoid the hazards and risks with proper cyber security and other security systems both for home, business, websites and office.
Think your smartphone is smart enough to protect you from these risks while in a wifi zone?
And have you read about the very real health hazards of constant exposure to electromagnetic EMR and WiFi radiation?
There is more and more evidence about the risks. Ell here at SmartBlocker you will find simple solutions to ease your
mind and health.